- 推廣並促進國人正確之身心健康知識,並提供諮詢服務。
- 從事社會心理復健相關政策之推廣、倡議、監督與研究。
- 協助精神障礙者進行評估、治療與復健,並提供精神障礙者於社區之生活支持、訓練、輔導、教育、職業、居住等社會心理復健及長期照顧有關服務。
- 進行與社會心理健康、精神疾病治療、復健等有關之鑑定評估、研究發展及教育訓練。
- 促進與維護精神障礙者及其家屬之權益。
- 參與社會心理復健相關之國際事務。
- 其它與社會心理復健相關事務與服務。
About TAPR
Taiwan Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (TAPR) was established by a group of dedicated physical and mental health professionals after months of planning and preparation. The first General Assembly elected Mr. Jung Chang Wang as the first president at the same day on 3rd July, 2010. The TAPR board of directors and members are professionals with different expertise, such as psychiatrists, social workers, lawyers, scholars and practitioners working with women, the disabled, and people in need, and therefore provide quality services with enthusiasms.
The mission of TAPR is to promote citizens’ physical and mental health, increase adequate knowledge from psychosocial perspective, and help people in need to recover from their lives. The objectives of TAPR are to raise awareness and understanding for the public, advocate the concept of “the prevention is better than treatment” to emphasize the importance of mental health, and participate in different events and activities to build a well-established health system in Taiwan.
The major tasks of TAPR include:
- advocating the concept of well-being state for the public,
- increasing the adequate knowledge of psychosocial rehabilitation for people in need and their care givers,
- assisting people with mental illness to access to rehabilitation services, such as social engagement and occupational training, housing and living in communities,
- advocating the rights of people with mental illness,
- dedicating to mental health policies making and supervision.
- participating in the international development of psychosocial rehabilitation issues.